

本公司专业从事ddu/ DDP到澳大利亚/加拿大/新西兰/新加坡/泰国/马来西亚/印度尼西亚的双清门运输;和其他地区超低价格!如有需要,欢迎添加qq或来电查询!广州优澳大利亚货运代理有限公司,合同,包装、熏蒸,商检,订舱,仓储、报关、运输、清关、拆包和交付运输代理业务,并提供运输信息,组织货物配送manchang,收集检验,提出了国内运输费用,货物用木箱包装,零电荷整个运输服务。公司拥有强大的代理体系,各地均设有分公司和办事处。公司仓库已经有人签收货物,分拣和包装服务,我们有最优惠的价格,最快的老化和航运服务,为解决问题提供各种解决方案的海外华人,不管你是拼箱货物运输价格咨询,或整柜海运价格咨询,我们将及时回答你,和设计最安全、最专业的路线……可以作为珠江三角洲地区的发货代理,进出口海关可以利用航运路线的优势:1、提供淘宝小快递,分散在全国各地,集商检、价格优惠、信誉第一、服务第一!2、提供大型集、包装、代木架、代理垫3国内物流成本、产品包括仓储、包装、货物装卸、报关、发货、单证等一条龙外贸运输服务,定期、安全、高效经济快捷。4、多年经营海运拼箱业务,依托深圳/广州为全国各地提供拼箱货运服务。澳洲公司总公司具有较强的清关能力,代理多家国内货运代理公司,在世界各地拥有拼箱港口。和拼箱价格低,每周的航班和更稳定,在市场声誉,使用该公司有自己的进出口权,为顾客提供安全、可靠的出口报关代理,商品检验服务,通过公司账户集合——从案例中,鳕鱼和相关成本,进行全面的运费支付,三角贸易单,目的港清关,门到门运输服务。广州uic坚持“服务第一、信誉第一”的服务宗旨,我们拥有一批专业的质量,真诚的奉献,有经验的业务操作人员,以客户为中心,能够为客户提供及时有效的物流相关的咨询和全面和细致的服务,坚持“全面、全过程、全天候”的工作理念,竭诚为您设计合理的路线和可选的物流解决方案,使用完善的计算机网络管理平台,整个进度和货物,确保高效的服务,可以为您提供方便、快捷、经济的全过程服务,广州运输公司使您能够轻松地完成快速、高质量的运输过程不离开你的家,已成为国内外客户值得信赖的合作伙伴。扬国际货运代理有限公司成立于1998年,是一家拥有多行业许可证和国际认证的专业物流公司。上海作为国际网络管理中心,拥有成都分公司,服务网络遍及中国各大港口和大中城市,是全球货运代理联盟wca和锦城物流网络成员,完善的全球海外代理网络。


公司以深刻的洞察力和对市场的不断创新、务实的理念,再加上富有团结精神,造就了一支富有实战经验、高效、专业的物流运营团队,我们将更深入地致力于国际物流企业,为客户提供更全面的服务Our company specializes in shipping double clear to door ddu/ DDP to Australia/Canada/New Zealand/Singapore/Thailand/Malaysia/Indonesia; And other areas ultra-low prices! If necessary, welcome to add qq or call inquiry! Guangzhou optimal Australia freight agency co., LTD., contracts, packing, fumigation, commodity inspection, booking, storage, customs declaration, shipping, customs clearance, unpacking and delivery transport agency business, and to provide transportation information, organize the goods distribution manchang, collecting the inspection, advances the domestic transportation cost, the goods packed in wooden cases, zero charge the whole transportation services. The company has a strong agent system, each district has branch offices and offices. Company warehouse has someone to sign for the goods, sorting and packaging services, we have the most preferential prices, the fastest aging and shipping services, to provide a variety of solutions for problem solving for the overseas Chinese, whether you are LCL cargo shipping price consultation, or the whole ark shipping price consultation, we will answer you in time, and designed the safest and the most professional route... Pearl river delta can be shipped as an agent, import and export customs can be the advantage of shipping routes: 1, provide taobao small express, scattered in the whole out, collection inspection, price concessions, reputation first, service first! 2, provide large collection, packaging, generation of wooden frame, acting mat 3 domestic logistics cost, product, including warehousing, packaging, loading and unloading of goods, customs declaration, shipping, documents such as one-stop foreign trade transport service, fixed schedule, safety, efficient economy fast. 4, management by sea LCL for many years, relying on shenzhen/guangzhou to provide LCL cargo services around the country. The head office of the Australian company is strong in customs clearance, acting as an agent for a number of domestic freight forwarding companies, with LCL ports all over the world. And LCL price is low, the weekly flights and more stable, have reputation in the market 5, using the company has its own import and export rights, to provide customers with safe and reliable export customs clearance agent, commodity inspection service, through company account collection - from case, cod and related costs, to undertake comprehensive freight to pay, triangle trade list, the port of destination customs clearance and door to door transportation service. Guangzhou uic adhere to the "service first, credibility first" service tenet, we have a group of professional quality, sincere dedication, experienced business, operating personnel, take the customer as the center, able to provide customers with timely and effective logistics related consulting and comprehensive and meticulous service, hold to "all-round, the entire process, all-weather" work ethic, wholeheartedly for you to design a reasonable route and optional - logistics solution, using the perfect computer network management platform, the entire - schedule and goods, to ensure the efficient service, can always provide you with convenient, fast and economic whole process service, Guangzhou shipping company enables you to easily complete the fast, high-quality transport process without leaving your home, and has become a trusted partner for customers at home and abroad. Yiang international freight forwarding co., ltd. was established in 1998, is a professional logistics company with many - industry licenses and international certification. Shanghai as the international network management center, with chengdu branch, the service network throughout China's major ports and large and medium-sized cities, yiang is the global freight forwarder alliance wca and jincheng logistics network members, perfect overseas agent network around the world.

Since the establishment of the company, adhering to the "efficient, professional, pragmatic, united" business philosophy, fully comply with the development trend of modern logistics, e-commerce system to provide timely, accurate, effective services to meet customer needs, and strive to become a strong backing for customer business development. After more than ten years of development and precipitation, yiang company is no longer limited to the transport of ordinary goods, but also in bulk cargo transport, tank box, import cosmetics and food approval and import transport, overseas bidding project operation and management has obtained rich experience, customers highly recognized.

From the company with profound insight to the market and continuous innovation, and pragmatic philosophy, plus full of solidarity, has created a rich cargo of actual combat experience, efficient, professional logistics operation team, we will be more deeply committed to international logistics enterprise, to provide customers with more comprehensive service

积极进取 回报顾客

公司积极拓展华东和华南地区,与世界主要国家的代理商建立了深厚的合作关系,稳步建立了完整的物流网络。 在多年的发展历程中,为了满足国内外客户的需求,公司锐意进取,不断创新,逐步发展成为能够在各个层面满足客户需求的第三方物流企业。 公司始终坚持“诚信,务实,创新,共赢”的经营理念,坚持“以人为本,品牌经营,回报社会”的核心价值观,坚持“诚信为本”的经营理念。 努力成为一家优秀的国际物流公司代表。




  • 拼箱费RMB40/CBM
  • 报关费RMB320/SET
  • 文件费RMB300/BILL
  • 目的港提货费用
  • 反恐申报费



  1. 国外会有临时的CAF或BAF的收费
  2. 报关品名数量须与实际进仓货物一致
  3. 玻璃等易碎品等货物请提前告知
  4. 订美国/中南美洲港口需注明国家
  5. 货物外包装上必须有唛头


公司建立了一支资深的专家管理团队,具有扎实的物流理论和丰富的行业经验。可以为上下游客户提供物流供应链集成解决方案和高效运营服务。 在包装业务方面,我公司将根据客户要求进行熏蒸,拖拉,拍照,包装,在保证服务质量的前提下, 为客户提供最优惠,最快捷的服务。

公司为客户提供港前、港后物流代理服务,, 包括报关、报检、集装箱拖运及世界主要港口清关送货等。 公司拥有相关配合单位,能为客户做到“一站式”服务,免除客户进出口货物繁锁的工作负担。

承接危险品,化工产品,整柜,散货国际海运,同时批量货物整理服务,主要出口产品是油漆,油漆,油墨,粘合剂,树脂,颜料和染料,香精香料,化学添加剂,添加剂,香水,化妆品,电池,松香,清洁剂,汽车护理 产品,冷冻剂,日化产品,粉末,化工原料液体等化工产品散货整理,整箱集装箱运输。


公司实力雄厚,港口遍布全球,是珠三角地区强大的货运代理商。 运输价格低,每周航班稳定稳定,竞争非常激烈。 目前,海外代理商和海外代理商和分支机构在全球100多个国家的近500个港口城市拥有可靠的信誉和快速的沟通渠道,全面承担运输和杂费,三角贸易订单,目的港到门口运输服务。



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